Thursday, February 21, 2008

Opening act!

At last, I'm in. Baru sedar betapa buta ITnya aku ni sungguh bila trying to set up the whole page by going to other people's blog and dok click apa ker features yg depa ada kt page depa..nak cilok la tu..hehe..but has to starts somewhere..
So..I, Nora Ariff,(drum roll) welcomes you to my page. Feast your eyes with the opening act..cookies that I made for my hubby's niece's wedding about a few months ago. It's a fruit theme but I had used the same recipe for all...hehe

The recipe is all over on other people's blog too..rasanya lah..It's Gadis Aries' Biskut Gajus Manggis recipe that she derived from Mami Asmah Laili's book. I malas dah nak type sebenarnya..resipi tu lah..baru 1 post dah malas..opening bad is more like


Anonymous said...

Elok dah tu opening tu....tayang biskut lawa2.....apa kata ajor nina camne nora buat biskut mcm2 rupa tu? ada acuan spesel ke? sbb semua sama saiz jer.....nak tahu gak tu....

Nora Ariff said...

sumer pakai tangan jer nasib baik hubby nora pun tolong sama..
yg manggis tu amik ilham masa kt bazar ramadhan kt carrefour..cikgu anak tengok terus order mintak buatkan..mau meroyan gak ler kalo buat org rajin cam nina boleh kot..nk dptkan bentuk bulat2 elok tu isikan ngan hazelnut..baru bila bakar shape dia tk kembang sgt..
utk pumpkin bentukkan ulas dia ngan lidi..
yg tembikai tu biasa la kan potong2..
strawberry tu semata2 ngan tangan jer..yg lawa2 tu jer masuk