I went back a few times but the mamak had vanished. I don’t know what happened or he had relocated to a different place. The owner doesn’t look quite happy though with his presence.
So, I had to asked mum to recreate the dish based on my description. The result was almost close but not quite there. Even then, over the years, I have been cooking my crabs based on this particular style only.
75ml water
Fry the crab in oil. Once cook, dish out. Fry onion in the same oil. Once brown, add tomato. Keep frying till the tomato turns soft. Add all the rest of the ingredients except crab. Keep frying and stirring until the gravy thickens and oil splatters, then only put in the crabs. Give a quick stir to blend the gravy well with the crab. Off flame.
sodapnya.. nie kan yang hang ajaq aku tu..nt nak try masak ler.
mmg sedap.. nie resepi yang bg aku 5 thn sudah kan.. lama tak masak.. tp mmg menjilat jari lah
shabi, yer la..ketam ni ler..tp hang dh pass dh kan buat hari tu sekali..cuma hg ni 10x aku dok kena bg resipi yg sama..ni aku dh ada blog hg masuk la cilok 10x pun..lega aku tk yah sms panjang2..kihkihkih
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